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Farah Talib Aziz has succeeded in creating a very distinct brand; one can immediately spot an FTA jora from miles away. It will be sweet, feminine, floaty, pink and most probably lacy. The whole ethos of the brand revolves around feminine, fun, happy girls who like to dress up and look pretty – and we have utmost respect for the brand for that. And we, like the social media sleuths on social media, are so besotted with the brand that we see FTA inspirations every where we look. Here are some of the most common things that remind us of brand FTA…

Little Bo(w) Peep

Who doesn’t know Little Bo Peep? The famous English nursery rhyme has been sung by everyone old enough to be wearing FTA clothes therefore you would also be able to notice the uncanny resemblance between Little Bo Peep costumes and FTA originals. The bows, frills, laces – even the colours are so similar they could be twins. Is it a coincidence or has someone been taking inspiration from the other?



Lals Macaroons

This comparison is being made for the mere reason that both things are really sweet, too sweet for us to have on a regular basis. Lals Macaroons are soft and chewy and they simply melt in your mouth, like a cloud or marshmallows. FTA clothes also have a similar affect on us – we feel like the clothes will melt out of sweetness if we they are touched by us mere mortals.


The swirly-ness of FTA outfits has probably has been derived from these yummy treats. What’s the first thing we notice when we look at her clothes? Frills. The clothes usually have a frill or two, or three or four or ten. Just like these little swirly balls of magic. Also, meringues are really difficult to make – the recipe is complicated and time consuming. We’re guessing all those frills and bows probably take a lot of time to design and stitch as well.




Disney princesses 

Think Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty – they are all probably the original FTA girls. With their dainty waists and strings of pearls dangling around their delicate necks. The Disney girls also liked to sing and dance (something we noticed in a recent FTA shoot as well)



Perhaps the reason we think of unicorns when we see FTA clothes is because both of them have this unreal, fantastical feeling attached to them. We know unicorns are pretty and a universal symbol for happiness, but they don’t actually exist. Sometimes FTA clothes also create that effect, where the world the brand is creating seems unreal to us. Everyone wearing FTA clothes looks so pretty and happy – but it’s not real.





This one can hardly come as a surprise to anyone even remotely familiar with FTA. There is lace everywhere! In different colours, arrangements, designs. There is lace on the collar and a different lace on the sleeves. There is lace on the pants, on the neckline, on the dupatta. Big lace, small lace, medium sized lace, tiny lace. It’s basically a lace shop. Just like those lacy intimates you get at Victoria’s Secret. Except they’re not as sexy. Or at all.





Another symbol for happiness and hope – this comparison is being drawn to the spectrum of colours that can be seen on FTA creations. Purples, oranges, pinks, greens and the occasional blue. While the outfits usually have simple colour palettes, every now and then, there will be a little walking, talking rainbow that we’ll get to see on the ground.

Candy Floss

Last but not the least, the very thing I was not allowed to eat when I was young cause it would ruin my teeth. I grew up with an aversion to this sweet treat. Regardless, it doesn’t change the fact that candy floss is widely loved by kids. It’s sweet, airy, sugary, pink and bad for your health. Not that FTA outfits are bad for your health. Some women have reported to have fallen sick on their level of sweetness though.

They should come with a warning.