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Ushna shah landed herself in hot water when she shared an anecdote of her latest encounter with a pizza delivery boy. The Bala actress tweeted a bizarre incident which led to a strong backlash.

Here’s what happened.

It started when Ushna posted this tweet: “‘Mard banein‘, ‘aap ek chaar saal ki bachi nahee hein mardaangi peida karein‘ — some of the sexist & demeaning things I said 2 my 2:30AM Pizza delivery guy….[sic].”



Her tweets obviously didn’t go down well with others who were quick to criticise her insensitive and rude behaviour:



Following the outrage, Ushna tried defending herself but made matters worse:



That wasn’t it though. She then went on to post another clarification saying, she did in fact play the masculinity card but she in no way condones such practices. “I kept reassuring the guy to come in while I was holding my growling pitbull, told him that he would not get hurt and that I have got the dog under control. But the boy wouldn’t enter to actually deliver the pizza. Considering that the door to my house was open at 2:30 in the morning and the boy had his heart set on not helping the situation so I had to go for another approach and thus, I questioned the guy’s masculinity. And the next thing I know was that the pizza was inside my house,”  she wrote.


Ushna added that she doesn’t need people to call her out on her flaws, because the whole point of sharing the the incident was to point out the error in her judgement and the mindset of our society that promotes gender roles. After beseeching for a long time, she said she resorted to a tactic that she knew would work as the men in our society can’t stand someone questioning their masculinity.



Ushna also appealed to people to not be so quick to judge, and consider a person’s past actions also before casting a stone, saying that she has always been vocal about her stance against patriarchy and gender roles and she has always spoken about human rights.

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