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The grand Pond’s Miracle Women Gala is known for its celebration of a hundred miracle women each year, since the past three years. Featuring a grand affair to celebrate women from various walks of life, the gala is a sophisticated event that takes place annually. However, this time around things are off to a different start!

A short press conference with the team behind PMJ introduced us to the revamped format of the upcoming show. This year, instead of taking established and known women who have managed to make their place in the world today, Pond’s has picked up a group of thirty ambitious girls through various screening processes and are mentoring them to be the next miracle women!

The first round of workshops – which included Vaneeza Ahmed, Nilofer Saeed of Neco’s and designer Nazli Akbar amongst many other mentors – has kicked off and one was given the chance to have a look at the work Pond’s is aiming to do this time around.

Along with guidance and motivation, the brand aims to bring forward these thirty young girls from the fields of education, health, social activism, entrepreneurship, and beauty and give them a platform to establish themselves. How far will this idea succeed is, of course, subject to various factors. However, it is no doubt a good cause to lend a helping hand to young girls who need it the most. The upcoming gala too, as we were told, will honor the thirty mentees and introduce their story to the world.

Keep watching this space for more information on the Pond’s journey.