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Director and actor, Sarmat Khoosat, has had his fair share of problems while working in the entertainment industry. Regardless, he has always brought intellectual and responsible content for us. Recently during an interview, he talked about the repetitive direction and the downfall of TV content over the years.

He talked about how the industry isn’t as friendly together as one would assume. “It’s been 20 years but I’ve never felt that spirit of fraternity. At award shows, sure. Everyone wants to rub shoulders together. But generally, there is no sense of fraternity and it’s sad.”


Sarmad Khoosat


He also talked about how producers have not been focused on the content provided these days. “I’ll be honest I’m not excited by TV at all. Not as a practitioner but what I see on TV. It’s just about what excites people on a very temporary basis. Now I don’t even know if there are people actually sitting and planning the content for their channels.”

The Manto actor feels that there is a lack of originality and inspiration in productions these days. “In terms of dramas at the moment, I don’t find the writing inspiring. There are so many episodes to write that the writing becomes dull. It’s so oversaturated that everything and everyone also looks the same. Actors are hired over the number of their Instagram followers. It’s horrifying,” he said.

You can watch the video here: