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Pakistani cricketer Wasim Akram’s wife Shaniera Akram and George Ka Pakistan-fame George Fulton may be ‘honourary Pakistanis’ but do they have the acquired skills to prove they are one? That’s what the duo is trying to find out in their latest series, Battle of the Pakistani Goras. 

Shared by George on his Youtube channel – Desi George, the two battle it out and try to figure out Urdu sayings, just to prove how desi the two have gotten in the years of living in Pakistan. Now, how much do they actually succeed in proving that is another story, altogether.

The video is part of the channel’s latest series of videos, where George goes against Shaniera in various trivia-style clips, to prove how the British and Australian individuals have assimilated into Pakistani culture.

Bandar Kya Janay Adrak Ka Swaad? Yes, indeed!

Check out the video here and tell us what you think: