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The eagerly awaited Mom, marking Bollywood debuts for Sajal Aly and Adnan Siddiqui, premiered to a full house in Karachi Thursday evening and the screening delivered a very unexpected surprise to the audience. A heart felt and emotional message from Sridevi was played at the tail end of the intermission and while it caught everyone by surprise, it also lent some consolation to an otherwise difficult situation in which two characters integral to the film could not share its limelight in India.

Sajal and Adnan, who play Sridevi’s daughter and husband in the film, filmed last year but then were unable to continue their association during the promotions of the film due to escalating tension between India and Pakistan. Sridevi’s very emotional message made up for some of the unfairness of the situation…

Salamalekum Adnan jee, salamalekum Sajal, mera bacha…” the message began, with Sridevi’s voice breaking and her eyes teary. “I don’t know, I’m becoming emotional…,” her voice trailed off several times until she got the message across. She missed them both and wished they could be with her to enjoy the limelight by her side.

“I’m sorry…see you soon…” she concluded, obviously referring to the situation.

We’ve updated this post with the full 1 minute video, courtesy Hum TV. Here it is…

This video, it has been confirmed, was exclusive to the premiere and we’re delighted to have attended and watched it.

(Sajal dedicated the movie to her mother. Read more:

Watch this space for the Haute Review of Mom, coming soon…