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The beverage giant Coca-Cola has released a new digital film on the occasion of International Workers’ Day (May 1), sending out a message of optimism, love and kindness during the coronavirus pandemic. For those who are planning to launch Eid campaigns and donation drives locally, this commercial is a magnum opus to derive inspiration.

The ad film begins with addressing ‘human race’ and lists several reasons to believe. It juxtaposes the negative and positive realities that we have seen during this pandemic, showing how the world is suffering from numerous difficulties, some of which are a result of human selfishness  — such as shortage of basic necessities due to unnecessary hoarding — but for every selfish act, there is an opposing selfless deed to maintain the balance of nature.




The ad reminds us to look at the glass which is half full with the generosity of the people across the world. Children are being taught at home or online if the schools are shut down. The silence dominating the world is conquered with the sonatas from songbirds. There are caregivers like frontline doctors, volunteers and philanthropists who are shutting up the scare-mongering news. For the distances that we are enduring, we are rediscovering to love, learn and care.

At a time when human spirit is being tested like never before, Coca-Cola propagates the message that for every virus, there is a vaccine in positivity for “optimism is more contagious than any contagion”.




For every barrier or border that divides us, human spirit and kindness will unite us. The brand pays tribute to the heroes of humanity who fill the glass with hope and kindness by working hard for their fellow countrymen to ensure their safety while putting their lives on stake.

Watch the ad film here: